• 0671-2803332
  • nialicollege705@gmail.com


 • The lead from darkness to light and to bring about allround development in the student.
• Development of academic skills, social skills and co-curricular activities.
 • To create an aesthetic since in the students.
• To provide able guidance in all desciplines.
• Promotion of Scholarship.
 • Achievement of perfection in all spheres.
• To uphold and pressure cultural heritage.
 • To stimulate rich and vibrant academic environment by arranging periodic assessments.
• To promote personally development.
 • To inculcate and sense of discipline in students.
• To inculcate ethical values and humanitarism.
• To facilitate more interaction between students Teachers and Guardian – Teachers.
• To provide the rural based students all the facilities and privileges available in Institutions of higher learning in Urban areas.
• To create opportunities for self-employment by imparting vocation course.
• To create a sense of civic responsibility and social commitment free from all types of parochial feeling.
 • To promote creativity, sportsmanship and leadership.

 • Computerize and update library at par with national institutions.
 • To educate the economically backward community of the locality.